Read the Docs is hiring!

Thanks to our successful fundraiser, we have the ability to pay people to work on Read the Docs.

We have two positions that we are looking for:

  • Community Developer
  • Operations Developer

These will be part-time remote contract positions.

Our budget is:

  • 40 total hours each week
  • Paid at $50/hr

These hours will be split between the two roles, and our time managing and doing administrative tasks. We expect each person to work around 15-20 hours each week. It will initially be for a 3-month period, after which we will evaluate the program, and continue it with renewed funding if it is successful.

We understand that money and time can be an obstacle to working on OSS, so let this be your opportunity to join us! We are hoping to build a team that is diverse in view points and location, and that definitely includes folks like you. Historically under-represented folks in the open source world will be given preference.

Community Developer

You will help us build community and give our users a better experience. Help us make the code base better, and build a thriving open source project along the way.

Your jobs will be:

  • Triage and fix bugs as they come in via GitHub, IRC, and the Mailing List
  • Work through the back log of GitHub Issues, fixing and closing them
  • Doing ongoing maintenance of the code base, including upgrading Django versions, refactoring, and other technical debt clean up
  • Work onboarding developers into the code base

Tech Used:

  • Linux (Ubuntu)
  • Nginx
  • Django
  • Python
  • Celery
  • Sphinx & Docutils
  • GitHub

It’s fine if you aren’t familiar with all of these things, but are willing to learn!

Operations Developer

You will help us operate the largest open source documentation website in the world. We currently get over 15,000,000 pageviews a month, and we hope to maintain a reliable and stable hosting platform for years to come.

Your responsibilities will be:

  • Manage backups of our databases
  • Manage usage of our web and build machines, keeping them up to date and within capacity
  • Build new infrastructure and help us scale the existing machines
  • Write code to make Read the Docs easier to scale and sustain
  • Be included in an On Call rotation

Tech Used:

  • Salt
  • Postgres
  • Munin
  • Nagios
  • Nginx
  • Elastic Search
  • Django
  • Celery

It’s fine if you aren’t familiar with all of these things, but are willing to learn!

We will prefer candidates in non-US based time zones to simplify our on call rotation. Nobody should have to wake up at night to fix issues!

How to Apply

Thanks for everyone who has applied. We are in the process of choosing a candidate, and applications are now closed.